
Friday, July 20, 2007

JUSTICE † (Cross) Review


JUSTICE is comprised of Gaspard Augé and Xavier de Rosnay. Some considered the pair to be next in line to take DAFT PUNK'S throne after their depressing Human After All album and breathe some life back in the Dance genre. The (or Cross) album released July 10, 2007 is JUSTICE'S first official release after a slew of dance remixes dating all the way back to 2003. With as much anticipation as a Harry Potter novel, is here and all the critics including myself agree upon one thing which is that this album is decent; but certainly not great.

With all the hoopla and anxiety that led up to this album, I have to admit that this album was on the right track and JUSTICE definitely has cemented themselves as a group with a promising future. Songs on the album such as "Newjack," "Phantom II," "Stress," "Genesis," "One Minute to Midnight" and "D.A.N.C.E" are good songs paired with the all ready familiar "Waters of Nazareth" and "Phantom." The guys know how to expand sounds and they don't stop until your ears have been totally obliterated which is the only reason why I feel the album suffers. The loudness sometimes detracts from the actual musicianship and perfectionism put into the songs. Unlike DAFT PUNK, JUSTICE uses a arsenal of Lo-Fi sounds, distorted samples and Vocoded guitars as a crutch which says to the masses that we're louder, harder, and will rock you out of your happy disco existence. The songs are glitchy, industrial, and loud which is good or bad depending on the listener. As for The "Party," "Let There Be Light," and "DVNO" all of which left me with a bad taste in my mouth. I'm not sure why these songs were approved to be on the album. Uffie's style makes "The Party" sound contrived, "DVNO" is just a throwaway track with a throwaway singer, and well..."Let there Be Light" is just irritating and annoying. Last but not least, is "Valentine." You'll have to ask JUSTICE what they were thinking by putting this track on the album as I believe they probably wanted the remixers to do something with it. Anyway, I dig the album and I think it deserves to be in the middle of any DJ or avid music listeners catalog. Recommended Songs: "Genesis," "Newjack," "Phantom II," "D.A.N.C.E"

Check out the mini-mix.

Justice Mini-Mix

Van-Go Tha Hustla

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