
Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Damn I Slept on Tanya Morgan

Even I sleep on cats sometimes...I'm sure many of you neither didn't know or didn't care that I blogged for Hip Hop DX but I do and so does Donwill of Tanya Morgan. I used to just peep dude's blogs because he posted some funny ass Youtubery. I'm mad slow. I didn't even know he made music until they separated the guest artist's blogs from the resident bloggers. So, I see it and I'm like "oh, dude makes music...ok." Meanwhile, I'm hearing the band's name: Tanya Morgan this, Tanya Morgan that, from people who dug their music. Well after about 3 months of sleeping (like so)

I copped Moonlighting (as you should), their debut LP and from what I've heard thus far, sounds pretty dope. See, Hip Hop is okay...

Check Tanya Morgan out on Myspace if you're broke like me, but if you got the greenbacks, do your due diligence to a talented band who makes REAL Hip Hop here. ?uestlove gave his seal of approval. If that's not enough evidence they're dope then I don't know what is.

One Love

J. Burnett

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